- In: Entry Fee
- Hits: 34526
Payment in the European Union, Asia and America
Payment by Visa, MasterCard, JCB, etc.
Payment by PAYPAL
Payment by Paypal
Address for registration fee payment: euroartweek@yahoo.*com (must be removed *)
(for payment you must log on to the website paypal.com)
Payment with WEBMONEY
Payment with Webmoney
Rubles: Russia: R258791928538
Rubles Belarus: B349699385459
The Hryvnia, Ukraine: U630212189139
Euro: E549941348004
Dollar USA: Z337971392411
Payment with WESTERN UNION
Payment with WesternUnion
Payment of the registration fee is possible through the Western Union system both through the branches of this organization and through the Internet (link to the payment "Pay online through WesternUnion").
Recipient name: find out in the organizing committee (whatsapp: +79254338821)
City: Moscow
Country: Russian Federation
- In: Entry Fee
- Hits: 10038
If the author has previously participated in projects:
"People and Feelings", "Female Image" or "Male Image":
a) for members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- in an art book (A3) - 900 rubles (pay)
- in a frame on the wall (50 * 40 cm) - 1200 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A3) - 1550 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A2) - 1850 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A1) - 2450 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A0) - 3750 rubles (pay)
b) for non-members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- in an art book (A3 - 29 * 42 cm.) - 1400 rubles (pay)
- in a frame on the wall (50 * 40 cm) - 1700 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A3) - 2050 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A2) - 2350 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A1) - 2950 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A0) - 4250 rubles (pay)
If the author has NOT previously participated in projects:
"People and Feelings", "Female Image" or "Male Image":
a) for members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- in an art book (A3 - 29 * 42 cm) - 1300 rubles (pay)
- in a frame on the wall (50 * 40 cm) - 1600 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A3) - 1950 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A2) - 2250 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A1) - 2850 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A0) - 4150 rubles (pay)
b) for non-members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- in an art book (A3 - 29 * 42 cm) - 1800 rubles (pay)
- in a frame on the wall (50 * 40 cm) - 2100 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A3) - 2450 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A2) - 2750 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A1) - 3350 rubles (pay)
- on foam board (A0) - 4650 rubles (pay)
Go to the section "All payment methods for registration fee"
If the author has previously participated in projects:
"People and Feelings", "Female Image" or "Male Image":
a) for members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- art object up to 50 cm on the larger side: 1200 rubles (pay)
- art object from 51 to 90 cm on the larger side: 1800 rubles (pay)
- art object from 91 to 130 cm on the larger side: 2400 rubles (pay)
- art object from 131 to 180 cm on the larger side: 3000 rubles (pay)
b) for non-members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- art object up to 50 cm on the larger side: 1700 rubles (pay)
- art object from 51 to 90 cm on the larger side: 2300 rubles (pay)
- art object from 91 to 130 cm on the larger side: 2900 rubles (pay)
- art object from 131 to 180 cm on the larger side: 3500 rubles (pay)
If the author has NOT previously participated in projects:
"People and Feelings", "Female Image" or "Male Image":
a) for members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- арт-объект до 50 см по большей стороне: 1500 руб. (pay)
- арт-объект от 51 до 90 см по большей стороне: 2200 руб. (pay)
- арт-объект от 91 до 130 см по большей стороне: 2800 руб. (pay)
- арт-объект от 131 до 180 см по большей стороне: 3400 руб. (pay)
b) for non-members of the Eurasian Art Union:
- art object up to 50 cm on the larger side: 2100 rubles (pay)
- art object from 51 to 90 cm on the larger side: 2700 rubles (pay)
- art object from 91 to 130 cm on the larger side: 3300 rubles (pay)
- art object from 131 to 180 cm on the larger side: 3900 rubles (pay)
Доплата за транспортировку:
В этом случае существует доплата за транспортировку на выставку:
- 300 руб./арт-объект до 90 см. по большей стороне, включая раму (pay)
- 600 руб / арт-объект от 90 см до 130 см. (pay)
- 950 руб / арт-объект от 131 см до 180 см. (pay)
- 1450 руб / арт-объект от 181 см до 250 см. (pay)
Стоимость указана за транспортировку в одну сторону.
В случае если автор не забирает работу в последний день выставки, орг. комитет транспортирует картину в офис за дополнительную плату, согласно ценам указанным выше.